Catalyst Expression for converting a bounding box structure into a JTS Geometry type.
Catalyst Expression for converting a bounding box structure into a JTS Geometry type.
Catalyst Expression for getting the extent of a geometry.
Catalyst Expression for getting the extent of a geometry.
Convert cells in the left
to NoData based on another tile's contents
Expression to combine the given tile columns into an 32-bit RGB composite.
Expression to combine the given tile columns into an 32-bit RGB composite. Tiles in each row will first be and-ed with 0xFF, bit shifted, and or-ed into a single 32-bit word.
tile column to represent red channel
tile column to represent green channel
tile column to represent blue channel
Realizes a RasterRef into a Tile.
Realizes a RasterRef into a Tile.
Converts a tile into a PNG encoded byte array.
Change the CellType of a Tile
Change the CellType of a Tile
Catalyst generator to convert a geotiff download URL into a series of rows containing references to the internal tiles and associated extents.
Catalyst generator to convert a geotiff download URL into a series of rows containing references to the internal tiles and associated extents.
Constructs a XZ2 index in WGS84 from either a Geometry, Extent, ProjectedRasterTile, or RasterSource This function is useful for [range partitioning](
Constructs a XZ2 index in WGS84 from either a Geometry, Extent, ProjectedRasterTile, or RasterSource This function is useful for [range partitioning]( Also see:
geometry-like column
CRS column
resolution level of the space filling curve - i.e. how many times the space will be recursively quartered 1-18 is typical.
Constructs a Z2 index in WGS84 from either a Geometry, Extent, ProjectedRasterTile, or RasterSource.
Constructs a Z2 index in WGS84 from either a Geometry, Extent, ProjectedRasterTile, or RasterSource. First the native extent is extracted or computed, and then center is used as the indexing location. This function is useful for [range partitioning]( Also see:
geometry-like column
CRS column
resolution level of the space filling curve - i.e. how many times the space will be recursively quartered 1-31 is typical.