geometry-like column
CRS column
resolution level of the space filling curve - i.e. how many times the space will be recursively quartered 1-31 is typical.
resolution level of the space filling curve - i.e.
resolution level of the space filling curve - i.e. how many times the space will be recursively quartered 1-31 is typical.
geometry-like column
geometry-like column
CRS column
CRS column
Constructs a Z2 index in WGS84 from either a Geometry, Extent, ProjectedRasterTile, or RasterSource. First the native extent is extracted or computed, and then center is used as the indexing location. This function is useful for [range partitioning]( Also see:
geometry-like column
CRS column
resolution level of the space filling curve - i.e. how many times the space will be recursively quartered 1-31 is typical.